While "Cost" is in the title - this program COST YOU NOTHING! Well.. ALMOST nothing. It will cost you the time and effort you put into finding a client, or having that client find you, and building a GREAT relationship with them from house hunting to closing. But, you do that anyway, right?  So where does our CLIENT COST CONNECTION come in? Great question.

We step in at the best time, offering GREAT HOME DECOR when it's time to celebrate CLOSING DAY! Imagine the joyous feeling of gratitude when the client receives a personal gift from You, their realtor. After all, you did have A LOT to do with getting them to this point. You've been with them every step of the way so it's befitting the very FIRST HOUSE WARMING or FIRST TIME HOME BUYER gift, come from YOU. Let Us Help With That.

How it works: Sign up with your email address and you'll receive your own special DISCOUNT CODE. You use your code to buy select items from our store with savings up to 40% off.

There's More: You share our store info with your clients and on your social media pages including your exclusive code and for every qualified sale over $50, you receive a $5 credit toward your own individual REALTOR GIFT CARD.

Soon, your Credit Balance will pay for all of your gifts and costs you NOTHING! Gift the items to your clients, gift a friend or add to your own home. Sound good?  We're not done.

We'd love to donate an Item for Your Next Networking Event! Perfect for Raffle Prizes and Giveaways, at No Cost to You At All!  Want more information. 

Start by joining our EMAIL LIST. FOLLOW US on Facebook and Instagram at Esteemed Living. And CONTACT US - 

We Can't Wait to Connect!

-Esteemed Living